Intro to Digital Photography - Who am I?

Who am I? I am who my grandmother made me. The person who inspired me every day and gave me the happiest memories. She made me the person I am today, a happy, strong, and confident woman. This series of images represent some of the memories I had with her and the things she gave me. The timeline of these photos represents significant moments throughout my life that had a huge impact on me even when she was not there. She was there in a different way.

Even today, I know she is still here with me and that is what some of the photographs represent. By creating this series, it allowed me to relive important moments and memories I had with my grandmother. It was difficult to capture all of the significant moments because there are so many so this series is just a glimpse into my memories. I was able to explore happy and sad moments as she missed out on some important moments in my life that I wish she could have been here for. I grew up and accomplished many things I never thought I could like getting into my dream program at RIT. I owe that to her as I know she was looking over me. Even in the emptiness that is showcased in some of the photographs, I feel like she is still there.

Memories are the only thing that helped me heal and I think this was the best way to showcase who I am through her. The only way you can remember someone who has passed is through memories and they are the only thing that will be with you forever. Objects can degrade or get lost but memories are permanent. That is why this series of images are photographed the way that they are because they are representations of certain memories. There is no way to reenact a memory perfectly, it is impossible. I wanted to explore how I could represent a memory that I have and how it impacted my life. These are just still life’s to someone viewing them but they are for me to relive my moments when she was here and when she passed on. I can never explain to someone how much she meant to me or what the memories I had with her meant. It will not be as impactful to someone else as it is for me.

This work is a way to showcase how much one person can change your life and can make you into the person you are today. Even if someone is not with you physically, does not mean they are not always with you. I hope this work can show someone that. I am given many signs that she is still here with me. Sunflowers and butterflies are one way in which I know she is here. I know she is not gone. Her memories are with me forever and so is she.

I am a happy, strong, confident woman because of her, my grandmother.

This project was done in the fall of 2021.